-what's your ambition?
The job that can earn lots of money =D
- what do you like most about your siblings?
- are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- do you think you have enough confidence?
Depend on it :p
- how many babies do you want?
Do u know how old am i now?!?!?
- what would you name your kids in the future?
didnt think about that
- what is your goal for this year?
Get good results for PMR and EVERY EXAM!
- do you think you're clever?
Not really. o.0"
- what's a perfect boyfriend/girlfriend to you?
- do you ever wonder where would you end up when you die?
Somewhere i belong to.
- what are your bad habits?
- if you can do anything now, what would it be?
Do you think i will tell u that?
- state a random fact about yourself.
blah blah blah*
- what does flying mean to you?
human cant even fly =.=
- what do you crave for the most currently ?
- describe the person who tagged you in 7 words.
Saw Win Ern like to bully me! :p
- what is in your mind now?
The things that u shouldnt know :p
- do you believe in fate?
Yeaahp, when it really happens haha.
- if you could turn back time, what's the one thing you would change?
not really feeling wanna type it. haha
I tag,
how i know how to spell your name.
OEIH, you left out the pictures.. PICTURES !
omg you and your brother..
dont know how to read instruction one. :p
LOL! i didnt realize it =.=
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